Kahler Glen December 27 2009 edit
Since there was a decided lack of snow at Kahler glen a few club members met at the Stevens Pass Nordic center. See the photos on Picassa. (Jan 1, 2010)
The Snoqualmie Nordic Club wishes you a healthy, white Christmas this year.
Enjoy a day of skiing with the Snoqualmie Nordic Club on Sunday Dec 27, 2009 near beautiful Lake Wenatchee (between Stevens Pass and Leavenworth).
The Kahler Glen Nordic trails and the adjacent Lake Wenatchee State Park Nordic trails combined offer some of the best classic Nordic skiing in Washington. Kahler Glen's trails are open to the public at no charge. To ski on the adjoining trails maintained by the State Park, bring your snow park permit and trail pass. Kahler Glen sells Day & Season Trail Permits at the office as well. Bring your classic skis because trails might not be groomed for skating.
__Sunday Dec 27 2009__
10:00 - If you come early, ski Lake Wenatchee trails North (North side of Wenatchee River. Turn left at second Lake Wenatchee entrance and left into the snow-park lot). Allow 5 or 10 min to drive to Kahler Glen from the snow-park lot.
Noon - Meet and eat near the Kahler Glen rental shop (see directions at bottom of page). Bring your own lunch. Kahler Glen café/restaurant will be open for coffee, soup, and full lunches.
1:00 - Ski Kahler Glen and Lake Wenatchee trails South.
[http://www.bing.com/maps/default.aspx?wip=2&v=2&style=r&rtp=~&cp=47.80249~-120.72477&lvl=14&sp=aN.47.80249_-120.72477_Kahler%20Dr,%20Leavenworth,%20WA%2098826&msnurl=map.aspx?L%3dUSA%26C%3d47.80249%2c-120.72477%26A%3d7.16667%26P%3d47.80249%2c-120.72|Map] | [http://www.kahlerglen.com/directions.asp|Location]
If you want to make a weekend of it, housing is available through [http://www.kahlerglen.com/skiing.asp|Kahler Glen] and [http://www.lakewenatcheeinfo.com/lodging/|nearby] or in Leavenworth. Kahler Glen rents 2-bedroom condos, 3-bedroom town homes, and houses (~$275/night/unit and up with a 3-night minimum). The Mountaineers' [http://stevenslodge.org/contactus.aspx|Stevens Cabin] is not far (30 min?). Please organize your own housing, or join us for the day.
We hope you can join us. Let us know if you are coming, so we know to look for you.
Kathy Furtado
kathyfurtado (at) hotmail.com
__Driving directions__
* Take Highway 2 to Highway 207 (approximately 30 minutes from Stevens Pass, and 20 minutes from Leavenworth).
* Turn North onto H-207 and follow signs to Lake Wenatchee State Park. Drive 3.5 miles on H-207.
* Turn left at the first entrance to Lake Wenatchee State Park. Cross the bridge over Nason Creek and drive about 1/4 mile past the bridge.
* Turn left onto Cedar Brae (just before the gated entrance and sign to the State Park). Drive about 1/4 mile on Cedar Brae.
* Turn left at the Kahler Glen sign.
* Bear left at the "Y" in the road and follow the driveway around to the cluster of buildings on your right. This includes the office and the rental shop. Park in front of the buildings.
{img src=http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Nx0SuHGxk6Y/Sdrg4vF-kAI/AAAAAAAAAFI/HMLJMjy1M24/s720/IMGP2379.JPG width=200 height= align=right desc= link=http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/gL8n0DebHsRoi72x9dftVg?feat=directlink }