Bake Sale Iron Horse Trail Sunday Jan 31 2010
Hello SNC members,
We had a great day Sunday hosting Treats on the Trails on Sunday January 31, 2010. Weather was mild and the Iron Horse nicely groomed (although soft by afternoon). Sled dogs hauled more gear than ever, we had four sleds full of supplies, tents, sheepskin, shovels and goodies. Volunteers created a snow-kitchen for the camp-stove and snow display table for the goodies, not to mention snow man, snow cat and and snow creature. While quiet in the morning, by mid-day loads of folks were stopping for a refreshment or to visit or to eat their lunch. A couple of families settled in for snow play nearby and loaner sleds were reported to have 'saved the day'! Marla's clinic participants, who we heard we stellar, joined us by early afternoon and hopefully the cocoa and sweets renewed their energy for the ski back to the snopark. A few photos are posted to (more coming soon). Thank you all for a great day of fun, excercise and socializing (total donations from this bake sale were $181!). We are looking forward to the next bake sale Feb 21st (same location) and hope you all can join us.
Thanks again to our volunteers!!!
Gina and Tom Jackson
Jeff Borg
Tim Becker
Mary and Chris Queitzsch
The Melse Family
Jean Michelle and Margot Pin
Johan Moe
Jim and Galen Voorhees
Amelia and Arthur Brown
Thank you all,
The organizers
Robin and John Stacy and Derek Brown