Bake Sale Iron Horse Trail Sunday Feb 21 2010
We invite you to join us for Treats on the Trails bake sale on The Iron Horse Trail. This is a great event for kids as well as adults and we plan once again to create our signature snow cafe. We encourage you and your friends/family to stop by and enjoy your lunch with us, enjoy fresh baked treats and warm drinks and visit with fellow skiers.
__When:__ Sunday February 21st, 10:30 AM - 2PM
__Where:__ About 2 km out on the Iron Horse Trail from the Hyak ))SnoPark((
__What:__ Treats on the Trails. This is our fifth year (!) of holding this very popular and social event, great for families, which is based on the Scandinavian tradition of skiing to a destination for warm drinks, sweet treats and socializing with fellow skiers.We will setup a station with warm drinks and sweets along the Iron Horse Trail. This is a great opportunity for kids to play and adults to take a break before or after a longer ski.
__Volunteers:__ We do like help putting on this event. The main jobs are providing bake goods, sledding the goods and Tent out to the site (good job for teenagers), manning the table, and talking up the club.
__Baked Goods:__ For those interested in providing baked goods please note that we like to have baked items individually wrapped for sale. Zip lock sandwich bags are ideal. We usually sell hot drinks and goodies for $1 a serving. Some special items (Christy's 3 nut tarts) go for $2.
__Contact:__ If you want to volunteer to help or provide baked goods, please contact Derek Brown, sk1dad(at)